Peaceful Evans Lake.
Summer can be an unforgettable experience, canoeing on a lake or going for a hike, playing capture the flag with new friends or sitting at night around the campfire, listening to stories, singing songs… But there is more to camp than laugh and s’mores.

Evans Lake spark children’s curiosity about forest environments and encourage its campers to feel confident while exploring the great outdoors.
Evans Lake is a snow-melt small gem, roughly triangular lake having a perimeter of about 1.3 kilometers, on the rise between the Cheakamus and Squamish Rivers in British Columbia, Canada. The 604-acre (2.44 km2) site has been home to youth camps since 1959. For decades Evans Lake was used primarily by the Junior Forest Wardens of BC. Later, the BC Forestry Association ran summer camps for children.
Its such a peaceful little lake you will be enchanted by its beauty and surroundings, taking hikes though mossy groves and up onto rocky outcrops with views of the Tantalus Range before returning through the Evans Lake Forest. taking you up onto rocky outcrops that again offer the occasional views of the Squamish River Valley.
For parents who are interested to visit the campsite, the annual Evans Lake Open House is a great way to really learn what the camp’s all about. Head down to Evans Lake with family and friends on June 22nd between 11 am – 3 pm. You’ll get a chance to meet the camp staff, take a tour and enjoy all the camp activities offered, such as canoeing, paddle boarding and many more.
In the summer month they run a summer camp for kids, help private events with week-long programs with an emphasis on forest and outdoor education. But you don’t have to sign up for anything, you can still enjoy the breathtaking beauty, canoeing or hiking thru the Tantalus Ranges in this peaceful paradise.
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